
Brand Identity

Pe.Pl. CULT is a Kazakhstan-based urban planning/problem solving company with operations throughout Central Asia, aiming to solve urban, social and ecological problems. “Pe.Pl.” represents “People” and “Places”, and “CULT” is the abbreviation of “Complex Urban Landscape Transformations”. As the name suggests, the company brings people from various professional backgrounds and experiences to develop solutions for living environments, solving problems with innovative ideas.

Pe.Pl. CULT not only provides consulting, planning, and urban design services for local governments, private companies, and developers, but also provides a platform for urban experiments, public seminar, knowledge exchange and education. By publishing journals and conducting workshops, they facilitate city-wide knowledge exchange opportunities. Based on the innovation and professionalism of Pe.Pl. CULT, we have developed a set of visual plans, applied in a variety of real-world situations, all in keeping with the subsequent development of the brand, ensuring the identity remains evergreen.

The logo is built from two symmetrical geometric symbols, which, at first glance, look like an overhead view of an urban landscape. The emblem’s central shape represents transformation and infinity, much like the complementary nature of people and places, creating infinite solutions. The logotype uses geometric shapes, similar to those found within the emblem, alongside custom sans-serif type. We also developed a set of four icons for the four different operational focuses of the brand - “People”, “Urban Planning”, “Places” and “Transformations”.

The brand’s primary typeface, “Works Grotesk”, is both recognizable and readable, providing a stable foundation for the brand's other two typefaces, which bring flare. We selected a palette of neutral and monochrome colors, with silver and chrome used as accent colours for printing. We hope to emphasize the relationship between human, environment and architecture, and convey Pe.Pl. CULT’s commitment to furthering the well-being of humans, our living environments and our ecology.

Pe.Pl. CULT為一間位於哈薩克的都市規劃/問題解決公司,其業務範圍遍布中亞,旨在於解決都市、社會以及生態問題。「Pe.Pl.」分別代表了"人"及"環境",而「CULT」則為"複雜的都市景觀轉型"之縮寫。如其名所見,公司匯集了具有多元背景和經驗的人才,為居住環境開發解決方案,並以創新的想法來解決問題。

Pe.Pl. CULT不僅為地方政府、公司與開發商提供諮詢規劃及都市設計服務,更為城市實驗、公共研討會、知識與教育提供平台,透過出版專刊與工作坊的方式,為都市帶來更多知識性的交流。我們基於品牌的創新與專業性,訂製了一套可持續性高並且具有多元應用方案的視覺規劃,以符合品牌後續的發展。

品牌標誌以兩個對稱式的幾何符號發展,乍看之下彷彿是都市景觀的俯視圖,其交界的形體具有轉變、無限的含意,如同人與居住環境的相輔相成,創造了更多不同的可能性。 標準字體則以與標誌相似的幾何形體搭配訂製的無襯線體,帶出品牌的辨識度。同時我們也創造了四個Icon以各別代表品牌四個不同的營運重點-「人」、「規劃」、「環境」、「轉型」,藉由這套標誌系統帶出品牌之視覺定位,並應用於後續的延伸上。

在排版上,以具特殊幾何形體的"Works Grotesk"作為主體,其字體同時兼具了辨識度和可閱讀性,與另外兩組字體的搭配帶出獨樹一格的排版系統。而在色彩系統上,我們選用了中性的色彩搭配灰階色調,並將鉻銀色視為強調色,應用於品牌實體印刷物。總和這些規劃內容,我們期望帶出人文、環境及建築互相協調的關係,使品牌成為一個可持續性發展的公司,並為人類、居住環境和生態創造更多福祉。