
Brand Identity


MOUDRE Coffee Roaster, is a coffee boutique brand based in Taiwan. In the France, MOUDRE means ‘Grind’ , it metaphor the process of coffee, and years of experience in coffee roasting and brewing craftsmanship, the core value of the brand is their focusing on aesthetic and creative mind of coffee industry. Full of the humanities, artistic culture and exquisite style, let the customers stay here for inject aesthetics into the moment of life.

Following the main concept, we hope to keep the brand’s calmness style but not outdated, the branding identity we created is brand new morden sense, the visual language created for the logo and typeface was the contours from process of roasting, in order to bring more morden style and recognizable visual than general coffee shop, the shape and color themes are constructed by classical aesthetic, while blending the contours of modern aura, with different but corresponding textures of packaging, all these design details of graphic combination finally became a new aesthetic of coffee lifestyle, ‘Grind For A Halt.’ the slogan says.

MOUDRE Coffee Roaster,來自台灣的人文精品咖啡館,品牌名稱發想自法文的「 研磨 」,除了意指咖啡的製成, 也隱喻了擁有專研多年的咖啡烘豆和沖煮經驗的職人精神,將美感灌注於每滴咖啡並持續創新,為品牌的核心價值。精緻的格調及法式咖啡館的人文氣息,各地的文人墨客駐足於此地,停下來為生活中的頃刻注入美學。

在整體設計上希望保有品牌的沉穩調性但不過於陳舊,創造出屬於當代的全新意象。我們在每個視覺標誌上都運用了咖啡研磨及滾煮的印象輪廓,製作了較一般精品咖啡更有識別度及現代風格的品牌標準字體及識別標誌,融合古典和現代感的風格及配色,運用不同卻又相呼應的材質,塑造一套專屬於MOUDRE的咖啡美學,呼應品牌標語“ Grind For A Halt.” 為美感的堅持及生活品味。